1. Drop us a line. We are at your service.

Saturday 30 September 2017

Manpower Outsourcing and Payroll Management

Outsourcing manpower and payroll management is your competitive advantage!!

Click here to find out how your organisation can benefit from outsourcing.

Contact GroupL Services to learn more about how we can help you streamline your business.

Monday 18 September 2017

Monthly Training

At Cleansweep, we endeavour to provide our clients a seamless cleaning experience. To achieve this, we must ensure we have a team of well trained professionals who understand not only how to fulfill their jobs efficiently but who also appreciate the importance of customer service.
Training is held regularly at our office and covers all deep cleaning techniques and marble floor polishing procedures.

Group Newsletter, October 2017

Group Newsletter, October 2017

With the festive season drawing close, we would like to remind you'll of some useful safety tips to keep in mind while celebrating. Read this and more in our October newsletter.

Click here to read our full newsletter.

Monday 11 September 2017

Cleaning so good, even your mother would approve!

We have all heard that famous saying that proper hygiene is two-thirds of health. In the business environment hygiene and cleaning have even greater importance and include the wider field of application. Here's a simple question every business owner asks himself sooner or later - What can a team of professional and trained hygienists, I can hire whenever and wherever I need them, do for my office and business? Well, here's a list of the most obvious and important benefits:
Outsource cleaning work to be taken care of by the professionals

Let's face it. Cleaning isn't one of the most popular activities for business owners and their employees. Even if you assign this task to some of your employees, you can be rest assured that he or she isn't going to be motivated to do a proper cleaning job. This is where GroupL jumps to the rescue. Our team of highly experienced, trained, and above all motivated hygienists will take care of your cleaning tasks the right way.
Only fully certified and verified staff members are allowed to help you

Every single cleaner, housekeeper, or another pair of helping hand we send to your address has to go through a rigorous selection, verification, and certification process. We needed to make sure that the privacy and safety of your offices and other business spaces are protected and treated in a respectful way. That’s why, we always make double checks that the professionals we send to your address are the cream of the cream in the cleaning and outsourcing work industry.

The best cleaning materials and equipment for our best clients

We don’t make savings when it comes to the material and equipment we are going to use to clean the working spaces of our clients. Our staff uses only the best eco-friendly cleaning chemicals and only in the most efficient and recommended quantities. We respect both the nature and our clients.

Get in touch with the professional providers of cleaning and outsourcing services 

GroupL has been successfully providing office cleaning and maintenance services since 1973. Feel free to outsource all cleaning work to our experienced and well-trained team of professional cleaners. Your cleaning tasks will be treated with the utmost importance and executed in a timely manner. You can reach us:
By visiting our official web page at: www.groupl.in
Or, by sending us an email at: info@groupl.in / first-impressions@groupl.in
Or, by giving us a call at: 9717719303

Last but definitely not least, you can pay us a visit in one of our offices located in all major cities and regions of India.

Our cleaning services are so good that your mother would approve it. This statement, which describes the quality of our services in the best possible way, is not an exaggeration. This is an invitation to put our skills and good business name to the test. Let’s see if our professional cleaning teams can outmatch your expectations and live up to our flawless reputation.

Thursday 31 August 2017

What do office goers have to do with dust?

Dust is an unwanted guest. Your office isn’t an exception. You have to keep it clean and sparkling all the time. Here are some of the most important reasons that will convince you this isn’t an exaggeration:

Reason #1 – A clean office enhances your positive corporate image.
Just like your visitors judge you by your home and how clean it is, the same applies to your office. Your business partners and customers first impression about your professionalism is based on the cleanliness of the office. That’s why you can’t allow yourself a luxury of presenting your business in a bad way with an office that’s not totally clean to impress.
Rest assured that no one will say it at loud, but your customers will ask themselves a simple question. If you can’t take care of your own office, then how will you provide them with top quality business services?

Reason #2 – A clean office is closely tied to your employees’ health.
We all know that the dust is closely associated with all kinds of bacteria and allergens. Why would you risk the well-being of your employees by postponing a simple obligation to keep your office clean all the time? An unclean office can have a huge financial impact on your business. Just take into consideration all the sick leave you have to pay for. Also, you won’t be able to work at full capacity if some of your employees are always unwell.

Reason #3 – Employees are happier and more productive in a clean working environment.
It is in our nature to feel comfortable in clean and properly maintained spaces. Your employees similarly will be happier and more motivated if they work in pleasant and tidy surroundings. To keep your office clean is undoubtedly one of the most efficient ways to increase your business productivity.

What can Group L do for my office and business?

We have been successfully providing office cleaning and maintenance services since 1973. The best thing you can do to make sure your office is clean at any given time is to let professionals take care of it. You can outsource all cleaning to our experienced and well trained team. This important assignment will be carried out by our professional cleaners on time and within budget.

Get in touch with us in the most suitable way for you by paying us a visit to one of our branches all over India, calling us, sending an email, or by visiting our website and social media pages.

info@groupl.in / first-impressions@groupl.in

Friday 30 June 2017

Fire Safety and Evacuation Training

At GroupL we are proud to provide our clients a better quality of service, better because our staff are trained to fulfill their responsibilities. We have recently completed fire safety and evacuation training for all our guards deputed at our client, Tata Motors Finance’s branches, which we manage in East India. It is a one day training programme, which takes place every six months. Training was also provided to our client’s employees at the same branches. The topics covered include – fire -fighting, emergency evacuation and assembly points. 

Specialised Industrial Cleaning

GroupL was awarded the contract for specialized cleaning of the entire FCC plant in Tapukara. 
The scope of work included inside and outside cleaning of cladding sheets, cleaning of cranes and rafters, cleaning of AC ducts and pillars. To complete the job successfully, we deployed the use of spider technique, 75 ft. boom lifters, scissor lifter and telescopic poles. Total area cleaned was approximately 2 lac sq. ft., taking one month to complete. 

If you have a commercial space which requires deep cleaning in NCR region, contact us for more details.